Candy brings you the ultimate custom finish. Candy can be applied over any color Basecoat, but for your own custom color it can be applied over our Pearls, Liquid, Rainbow XL, etc. Candy can easily be faded into each other but also intermix to create your very own custom color.
Candy coatings are easy to apply. For best results, use a Silver Basecoat but using different colors will give you a different effect. Candy colors can also mixed with our other products: Pearl, Spectracoat, Sparkle Pearls, Flip Paint, etc.
BASE COLORS: Black Base, Dark Blue Base, Dark Red Base, Flesh Tone Base, Green Base, Lemon Base, Mustard Base, Orange Base, Red Base, White Base
SPARKLE PEARL COLORS: Blue Sparkle Pearl, Copper Sparkle Pearl, Gold Sparkle Pearl, Green Sparkle Pearl, Purple Sparkle Pearl, Red Sparkle Pearl, Silver Sparkle Pearl, Turquoise Sparkle Pearl